Misleading "Inspire Her Mind" Ad
The first time I caught a glimpse of Verizon's "Inspire Her Mind" ad I thought to myself, good grief. If this ad is to believed fathers are participants in a conspiracy to drive their daughters away from science and into the stuff that the ad portrays as girly. I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that, both on the idea that girls are discouraged from pursuing the sciences and the portrayal of stereotypically girl oriented interests and styles of play are undesirable. My parents had no problems with my interest in science when I was growing up, so long as I did my chores, and didn't do anything to endanger myself, my siblings, or the structural integrity of our house. As a mother one of my greatest joys is sharing my interest in science with my sons and daughters, with the same limitations my parents set on me of course. (I have no desire to have the house burn down or have to rush anyone to the hospital, again.) The fact of the matter is that women ...