Christian secessionists

Warren at View From the Pew asks, What is up with THIS?????
This stuff gets me fired up. I'm tired of American Christians whining about how terrible things are, and how rough it is to be a Christian. There are people in the world who would give everything they own to have things as "rough" as we do. We haven't had enough persecution, in my not-so-humble opinion. We've got too many Christians who are comfortable, and when their comfort zone is violated, they want to run away.

I'm not running. If they make it illegal to preach, who knows -- I may become a preacher after all. If they ban the Bible, I'll buy a press and start printing them. I'm not going to go off to some Christian Utopia and bury my head in the sand and let the rest of the nation go to Hell in a handbasket.
Right on brother!

Dogman at The Rough Woodsman also has a few words for those who Christians who are foolish enough to think that everything would be just perfect if they stopped interacting with the rest of the world and formed their own government.


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