A flood of information

Booker Rising has some interesting info on black in America in the side bar. Much of it challenges many common assumptions about black folk. I've highlighted some interesting bits that you might not otherwise hear. There's much more stuff there than what I have listed here.

ABOUT BLACK AMERICANS - DEMOGRAPHICS: U.S. Census Bureau, Pew Research Center, U.S. Department of Justice
38.3 million. Percent of U.S. population: 13.3%
Self-identification: Black 44%, African-American 28%, Afro-American 12%, no preference 9%, Negro 3%, some other term 2%, Colored 1%
8.8 million families: 52% single parent (43% single women, 9% single men), 48% married. 9% of black kids live with grandparents
Regional residence: 55% South, 18% Northeast, 18% Midwest, 9% West
52% live in cities, 36% suburbs (vs. 29% in 1994), 12% rural
Top 5 cities with black populations: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Houston
Marriage rate: 35% in 2002 (vs. 63% in 1950)
Under age 18: 32%. Ages 65+: 8%
Children born IN wedlock: 25% (vs. 80% in 1960)
67% of young black men (under age 30) have never been involved in criminal justice system, 33% have been
2.6 million veterans (7% of black population, 2000)
Labor force participation: 62% women, 68% men
Internet usage: 50%

ABOUT BLACK AMERICANS - INCOME: U.S. Census Bureau, National Black Chamber of Commerce, Target Market News
76% live above the poverty line (vs. 10% in 1940 and 45% in 1960).
All-time high above poverty: 79% in 2001
5% rich, 44% middle class, 27% working class, 24% poor (2004)
Overall median household income: $33,178 (2003). Median income for married households: $48,000 (2002)
Top 5 states with highest median black household income: New Hampshire $43,574, Alaska $42,887, Maryland $41,652, Hawaii $41,032, New Jersey $38,513
Married households: 50% earn $50,000+. 27% earn $75,000+
Overall households: 33% earn $50,000+. 16% earn $75,000
Median black adult male income (2000): $30,409. Median black adult female income (2000): $25,117
Poverty rate by family composition: married-couple families 8%, single-dad families 19%, single-mom families 35%
70% of children overall are not poor,
30% are poor
Poverty rate for ages 65+: 78% not poor, 22% poor. Women 26%, men 16%
Combined GDP: $645.9 billion per year (2003, would be world's 10th largest economy). Per capita GDP: $16,864 (akin to Taiwan)
top 5 expenditures: housing $131.7 billion, food $52.7bn, vehicles $47.9 bn, clothing $22.9 bn, health care $16.7 bn
Median net worth: $16,000
89.2% are employed. All-time high since slavery's end: 92.8% (April 2000)
24% employed by the government
5% own businesses. 1 million black-owned businesses.
Top 5 states with largest # of black businesses: New York, California, Texas, Florida, Georgia
Women: 36% technical/sales/administrative support, 27% service, 25% professional/manager (vs. 4% in 1960)
Men: 28% operator/fabricator/laborer, 19% professional/manager (vs. 4% in 1960), 19% technical/sales/administrative support, 19% service
Home ownership: 49%
Number of billionaires: 2 (Robert Johnson, BET founder; Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Productions)

79% are high school graduates (vs. 14% in 1950)
17% are college graduates (vs. 2% in 1950). Women: 18%. Men: 16%
Top 5 states with largest % of black college grads: Vermont 35%, Montana 33%, New Hampshire 28%, Maine 23%, Idaho 22%
3% have post-college degrees
95% of black children ages 5 and 6 are enrolled in school (vs. 69% in 1954)
School vouchers: 57% support, 43% oppose
81% believe too little money is spent on schools
School prayer: 79% support, 20% oppose, 1% don't know
Has educational equality happened since 1964: 77% yes
Quality of their kid's school: 37% fair, 35% excellent or good, 25% poor
Are black kids' school options = to white kids: 68% no, 31% yes
Single-gender public schools: 26% support

Self-identification: 33% liberal, 40% moderate, 27% conservative
Overall party affiliation: 63% Democratic, 10% Republican, 24% independent
Ages 18-25: 54% Democratic, 9% Republican, 34% independent
Ages 26-35: 56% Democratic, 15% Republican, 29% independent
Ages 36-50: 65% Democratic, 12% Republican, 21% independent
Ages 51-64: 70% Democratic, 5% Republican, 21% independent
Ages 65+: 75% Democratic, 7% Republican, 16% independent
Democratic Party: 80% favorable opinion, 11% unfavorable
Republican Party: 48% unfavorable opinion, 37% favorable
72% believe the Republican Party has ignored blacks
43% believe the Democratic Party takes black votes for granted
Min. Louis Farrakhan: 44% favorable, 6% unfavorable, rest don't know
Colin Powell: 77% favorable, 15% unfavorable
Rev. Jesse Jackson: 69% favorable, 23% unfavorable
Alan Keyes: 25% favorable, 19% unfavorable, rest don't know
Condoleezza Rice: 42% favorable, 17% unfavorable
Congressional Black Caucus: 68% favorable, 6% unfavorable, rest don't know
NAACP: 83% favorable, 8% unfavorable, rest don't know
Clarence Thomas: 41% favorable, 36% unfavorable


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