Journey to the Republican Party: The high school years

Here we go, part one of my story about how I became a Republican.

Ambra's posts about why she's not a Republican prompted me to think about my journey to my current political affiliation. It was a long and interesting road that started back when Clinton ran against GHW Bush. As Election Day 1992 approached I noticed that people seemed to be assuming that I was affiliated with the Democratic Party because I was Black. I didn't take too kindly to that assumption but I wasn't a citizen yet so I didn't feel that I really had a right to speak to that issue yet. I didn't really appreciate the nastiness directed at Bush and Quayle at the time either. Silly child that I was I thought it was far more noble to offer the public information about what you could do for them rather than how stupid the other side was. That immediately made me suspicious of the Democrats' abilities.

But that’s not to say that I was immediately a convert to the Republican side. I wasn't too impressed by all of Clinton's women who all of a sudden started coming out of the woodwork when he decided to run for president. To my way of thinking if what he did to you was so awful why did you wait so long to do anything about it? In my world if someone sexually assaults or harasses me I want his head (preferably both of his heads) on a platter pronto. And if the law won't deliver the family will. No waiting for someone’s enemy to come dig me out of the woodwork and use me as a character assassin.

Both parties were in the doghouse as far as I was concerned. And I found it really disturbing that I, a non-citizen, seemed to care more about American politics than the native born folk. Up until I became a citizen myself my fellow students often got an earful from me on how they were not fulfilling their civic duties.

Anyway, back to high school. Being a contrary and non-conformist person I had to do something to show my annoyance at people assuming my political affiliations based on the colour of my skin and what I saw as the arrogance of making fun of one's opponents rather that speaking to the issues. Step one; I volunteered to represent the Republican Party in my government class project. Actually, I can't remember if I volunteered or if I was volunteered but I found it immensely enjoyable. Step two, as part of my class project I went to visit Republican head quarters in Manhattan. The folk there were certainly surprised to see me step off the elevator that day but they were falling all over themselves to give me all of the information I asked for. I almost had too much stuff to make it home with. Step three; I slapped a Bush-Quayle sticker on the front of my notebook just to mess with people some more. Those must have been kinder gentler times back then because no one felt it was their civic duty to inform me that Black folk did not support the Republican Party. I think I still have that notebook in the attic somewhere.

To be continued in The College Years.


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