What's up with that?

Lawns have been sprouting political signs left and right in our neighbourhood. All but three that I've seen mention George Bush. By far the most common signs are "Bush Must Go: Human need not corporate greed" from our local Peace Council. There are too many of them to safely count while driving and it would take far too much time to walk around and count them all. There've been two or three other anti-Bush signs that I've seen but the riveting message they trumpet escapes me at the moment. I've seen two John Kerry signs and today I saw a Kerry-Edwards sign for the first time. Friday night I saw two "Bush Must Stay" signs but I wasn't able to read the small print from the road. One sign was in our neighbourhood and the other was out in the sticks south of the city. Funny thing is, I know both of the families who put the "Bush Must Stay" signs on their lawns. We go to the same church.

Anyway, I find it most interesting that most of the political signs in a blue state mention Bush rather than Kerry. Don't you? I'm not the type to put political signs on my front lawn. But if I were I'd much rather put up a sign proclaiming the virtues of the candidate I support than put up a sign railing against the candidate I don't support. Maybe I'm just weird that way.

Our next door neighbour, an elderly gentleman who has lived in the 'hood since before the Vietnam War, doesn't really think much of all of the anti-Bush signs. He lived through the "real protests," as he calls them, of the Vietnam era. Just about every day there would be a protest march down our street. (What else would you expect in a university town.) These days the best people can do is put up a snippy sign. Folks just don't seem to have the same get up and go like they did in the old days I guess.


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