Have you no shame Mr. Rather? Scaring people about the draft.

Baldilocks had this post up in JUNE about the possibility of the draft being reinstated:

Drafty Story
The word is out about the draft. Oh, you didn’t know that there was a plan for a draft? Au contraire! Those nefarious Republicans are plotting to send the unwilling to the quagmire Iraq. And just to show how crafty those Republicans are, check out who they put up to do their bidding!

Charles Rangel, NY
Neil Abercrombie, HI
Corrine Brown, FL
Donna M. Christensen, VI
William Lacy Clay, MO
John Conyers, Jr., MI
Elijah E. Cummings, MD
Alcee L. Hastings, FL
Sheila Jackson-Lee, TX
John Lewis, GA
Jim McDermott, WA
James P. Moran, VA
Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC
Fortney Pete Stark, CA
Nydia M. Velazquez, NY

Fritz Hollings, SC

All Democrats! Pretty impressive manipulative technique, don’t you think? And they say the president is dumb!

She posted about it again just a few days ago.

So why is CBS just now running a story claiming that the draft may be reinstated? And why did they chose to interview a woman who claimed to be Republican who said that she was a one issue voter with the implication being that the one issue for her was the draft? Why was there no mention of the fact that the people supporting the draft legislation are all Democrats? They also interviewed a gentleman from the military who would be incharge of running the draft if it were to be reinstated. He basically said that they were ready to do their job. Well isn't that a good thing that the military is ready to do whatever my be demanded of them? Call me stupid but I would think the answer is yes.

Hubby and I watched the video of the story this morning and all I could think was, why is Rather still on the air? Message to Mr. Rather, you can't keep doing this kind of stuff sparkie! We pajamahadeen are on to you!

Evangelical Outpost has a link to the video. Hubby also comments about it at Parablemania. Blogicus also has more info and links on this. Instapundit weighs in here and here.


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