Rage against the press release (and President Bush of course)

I've been meaning to do this since I first read about this a few days ago. Apparently Rueters editor Todd Eastham so disapproves of the National Right to Life Committee and their opposition to partial-birth abortions that he just had to let them know. Here's his response to a press release he received from them:

"What's your plan for parenting & educating all the unwanted children you people want to bring into the world? Who will pay for policing our streets & maintaining the prisons needed to contain them when you, their parents & the system fail them? Oh, sorry. All that money has been earmarked to pay off the Bush deficit. Give me a frigging break, will you?"
*Let's try a little exercise shall we? Changes are in red.

"What's your plan for educating all the freed slaves you people want to let loose in the world? Who will pay for policing our streets & maintaining the prisons needed to contain them when you, their liberators & the system fail them? Give me a frigging break, will you?"
You see, the first thing I thought when I read Mr. Eastham's response was that this could easily have been said by any advocate of slavery before the Civil War ( can't ever resist mentioning that some would call it the War of Northern Aggression). Many a pro-slavery advocate made the claim that slaves could not be free because they couldn't take care of themselves (ignoring of course the fact that many a free slave learned right quick how to be free and how to take care of themselves). Setting all of those slaves free would be a burden to society they claimed (ignoring the fact that the Southern economy wouldn't have been anything like it was without the hard work of slaves). We all know how that ended.

If I had a dime for every time someone made the false assumptions that Mr. Eastham makes.....

Who will parent and educate those unwanted children? The mother who was convinced that perhaps killing her child was not the best course of action after all, perhaps her family who would be delighted at having a grandchild, the child's father or his family, the family that adopts the child. Women do not have to stand alone in this you know.

"Who will pay for policing our streets & maintaining the prisons needed to contain them when you, their parents & the system fail them?" Mr. Eastham's powers of precognition are amazing! He already knows that all of the children who's lives would be spared were partial-birth abortions to be banned would all have horrible parents and grow up to be criminals. Simply amazing! Do you know next week's winning lotto numbers too Mr. Eastham?

The last bit of Mr. Eastham's rant really makes no sense. Is Mr. Eastham implying that the reason abortions are allowed now is to free up resources to pay for the "Bush deficit?" It's Bush's fault that abortions are being performed? Or that there wouldn't be any government money to educate and then incarcerate these little criminals were they allowed to be born? Let's see now Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973. Who was to blame in the 27 years between Roe v. Wade and the time Bush was first elected?

It took all out war in this country to end slavery. I wonder what it will take to end abortion?

World Magazine blog links to the press release that so inflamed Mr. Eastham.
Amy Ridenour has some links to responses to Mr. Eastham.

*An intrepid commenter over at World Magazine blog inspired this little exercise. Said commenter was inspired by some other notable figure. Can't find the post or comment in the archives just yet though.


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