Thank you

To all those who served and fought before and those who serve and fight now for this nation, thank you.

Veterans Day
Some of you think Veterans Day is about glorifying war - that's wrong. It's about recognizing that there are people in America who hate war as much as you do, but went anyway. There are people in America who hate war as much as you do, but they hope - they dream perhaps - that our children won't have to go later, if they go now. Veterans Day is recognition of that dream, that hope.

This post at Ramblings' Journal reminded me of the tradition of wearing red poppy flowers when I was a kid. Back then, in another country, it was Armistice Day and we wore the flowers to remember wars and the warriors who fought them. I also remember collecting pennies for war widows and orphans. It's a tradition I lost when my family moved to the states. I think I'll revive it for my kids.


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