Laurence Thomas on Columbus, Ohio rape

Too Black to be Just! The Mifflin High School Fiasco
To begin, I ask which is more important: To be black or to be just? Were it reported that a white official had used the “N-word” in referring to a black, I am confident that black people would take to the streets in protest, clamoring for the removal of that white official. There would not have been any caution and judiciousness—a concern to get at the facts. It would probably not matter how much good for blacks that the white had done in the past. This would all be done in the name of self-respect, black pride or African pride or what have you. Moreover, it is almost certain that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would fly in as a show of support. When a white person crosses that line, the heads of white folks must roll.

In the case at hand, we have the rape of a black girl—a disabled black girl, who was left bleeding. Rape is despicable enough. But the rape of disabled girl is utterly heinous. However, this heinous deed has not resulted in a public outcry in the black community of Columbus. There has been no display of outrage, no protests. There has been no indication of shock owing to the sense that things have simply gone too far. There ought to be utter horror over the fact that we as a people will do such a thing to ourselves.

For background on this incident see Michelle Malkin.


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