Frivolous Friday

From the land of dial-up, I blog. Looks like everyone's prayers were answered and the transit strike is over. So we can party harty on our Christmas break.

You Are Chinese Food

Exotic yet ordinary.
People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.

(Via Vegan Momma.)

Republican - You believe that the free market will
take care of most things, but that the
government should be there with moderate
taxation to provide for national defense and
enforcing morality. Your historical role model
is Ronald Reagan.

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Heh, dad's gonna love that one.
(Via Dappled Things.)


On the first day of Christmas when I brought home my tree
My 12 cats were laughing at me.

On the second day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree
2 mangled garlands
and my 12 cats laughing at me.

On the third day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree
3 missing Wise Men
2 mangled garlands
and my 12 cats laughing at me.
See Indigo Insights for the rest.


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