Frivolous Friday


You are an Iris:

You are logical, analytical, dignified, and wise.

You are studious by nature and may prefer

books to people. You tend to be a serious

person but are capable of making others laugh

with your dry sense of humor. Friends always

benefit from your advice.

Symbolism: Over the centuries the iris has come to

symbolize faith, wisdom, hope, and promise in


Which Flower are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Via TulipGirl.)

I am a d6

You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring. You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy. People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past. You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant, and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive. It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate.

Take the quiz at

I take exception to that bit about being plain. Okay, so I had no idea about this dice thing. I just took the quiz to see what would happen. I was never really in to dice games as a kid. I liked the back stories but couldn't get into actually playing any of the games. Hubby, on the other hand, has a little leather pouch that he carries everywhere with several different dice that he now uses to randomly chose questions to grade on his students' assignments.
(Via Momento Moron.)


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