Bible Meme
1. What translation of the Bible do you like best?
ESV, modern English that preserves so much of the poetic nature of the original texts. I love it.
2. Old or New Testament?
What hubby said, "Uh ... they're both the Bible. I spend more time in the Old Testament just because it's bigger and takes longer to get through."
3. Favorite Book of the Bible?
Proverbs. I just spent a few years going through Proverbs with my Bible study group. It really grew on me.
4. Favorite Chapter?
Isn't a favourite book enough?
5. Favorite Verse?
Proverbs 17:1. Not because it's particularly encouraging but because I've experienced it to be so true.
6. Bible character you think you're most like?
Most are so dysfunctional that I try not to be too much like any of them. Maybe Timothy's mom because her kid turned out alright (2 Timothy 1:5).
7. One thing from the Bible that confuses you?
I wouldn't say I'm confused. There are some details I don't get yet and may never get but I've got the basics so I don't worry enough about it to identify them.
8. Moses or Paul?
What for?
9. A teaching from the Bible that you struggle with or don't get?
Loving my neighbour. Sometimes I would rather strangle an unpleasant neighbour.
10. Coolest name in the Bible?
Melchizedek works for me.
I really don't feel like tagging anyone right now. Maybe later.
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