Wright's Attempt to Hijack Christianity

Cross posted at Say Anything: Reader blogs.

The cold weather and the recent remarks by Jeremiah Wright have enticed me to break my blog fast. The short version of my thoughts is that Wright is trying to hijack Christianity for his own purposes and he is trying tar and feather black Christians in America specifically with his views.

The long version is thus. The things that Wright has been saying recently are not new. I've heard them many times before, usually right before someone starts laughing. Anybody seen the movie Undercover Brother? Pay close attention to the character Conspiracy Brother. He and Wright would get along famously. I can't take credit for coming up with that comparison. I adapted it from a commenter on this post. But I digress.

Wright's proclamation that the negative reactions to his remarks are an attack on the "black church" was just too much. To attempt to tar black Christians in America with his views is...I'm trying to find the right word to use here without being too rude (Wright does claim to be a man of God after all and I was raised to respect those in that office) but I'm drawing a blank. Wright's implication that his views are representative of the "black church" is a bit like the white person who thinks that their racial prejudices are acceptable because they have black friends.

I would like to remind Mr. Wright (and anybody else who has forgotten) that as far as God is concerned there is no "black church" there is only The Church, the world wide body of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Wright's wanting there to be a "black church" that thinks as he does to save his hide and to hide behind clearly states where his priorities lay. To the genuine Christian the fact that they are a Christian comes first and is far more important than any other group affiliation. A Christian's affiliation with Christ shapes all other group affiliations not the other way around. That is the standard that the Bible calls Christians to live by. Wright apparently wants black Christians in America to do differently.

One last comment. Yesterday I listened as Wright dismissed a question about his comments about America's chickens coming home to roost during one of his sermons because the reporter admitted to not listening to the entirety of the sermon. Aside from his behaviour being rude I thought his reasoning was also wrong. One does not need to roll up on a Klan meeting to understand the full context of what they believe. Wright's meaning and intent were clear then and is even more so now.

Check out Baldilocks' response to Wright's performance so far.


  1. "To the genuine Christian the fact that they are a Christian comes first and is far more important than any other group affiliation. A Christian's affiliation with Christ shapes all other group affiliations not the other way around. That is the standard that the Bible calls Christians to live by. Wright apparently wants black Christians in America to do differently."

    Say it again Sam. I don't think enough people understand that.

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