Thankful Thursday
Now that I've had a good a night's sleep as one can get with a 3 month old I am thankful for/that:
What are you thankful for?
- I got to sleep in today.
- There are lots of hands to pass the baby to.
- There are lots of hands to help do the dishes.
- Food!
- There are lots of mouths to help eat the food. (If you're in town and hungry come on over. Somebody will be here who can get you a plateful.)
- Family and friends near and far.
- Heat pads that fit perfectly on the lower back.
- Ibuprofen to help out the heat pad.
- My dad and uncle's to do list. Apparently there was more stuff broken around the house than I realised.
- Gut wrenching, nose snorting, tear inducing laughter.
- Stories from the old country.
- Freedom and those who defend it.
- God's provision and grace.
What are you thankful for?