Words Have Consequences

This is what comes of constantly harping on how awful autism is and how awful life is for you with your autistic kids and how your kids were poisoned and damaged by toxic vaccines and so on and so forth despite all evidence that such is not the case. From the comments section on this article:
vaccines & autism

People with autistic children are desperate, with good reason. It is spectacularly difficult to get good help with these children in most school systems. I have met many parents of autistic children, and it is gut wrenching. But something I also discovered, many of these people had autism in their family history. I don't know if there's a genetic test for these disorders (there are many disorders under the autism umbrella, so probably not) but it seems to me that we are getting more autistic children simply because our society manages to help people become mainstream who in past generations would not have been educated and would have been unlikely to end up married. I met one woman with three autistic children -- this is not an accident! Autism is a huge problem, and people who have an autistic child, or who have a relative with autism, should think carefully about whether they should have any/more children, and perhaps consider in vitro procedures or adoption. The cost of raising an autistic child is huge, financially and emotionally.

Nancy of IL
Feb 12, 2009 20:15:58 PM
Words have consequences. One of the consequences of continued insistence that vaccines have something to do with autism is that people start believing the claims that your kids, and by extension you, are damaged goods that society would do well to be rid of. People start to believe your doom and gloom. Then they start thinking that maybe we would all be better off without you and people like your autistic kids.

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