Tales From The Crib

Things heard in my house of late.

  • "I have to take your temperature. I have to take you temp," said the 3 year old to her 15 month old brother. She just had her yearly well-child check.

  • "Momma momma momma momma!" "Shawchit!"[Baby speak for "chocolate."] Baby boy has got his vocabulary priorities straight.

  • "Would taking the box out on the porch be humiliating?" I'm torn between pride that my 6 year old has a substantial vocabulary and concern that she even knows that word and how to use it.

  • "Underwear underwear underwear underwear underwear underwear underwear underwear underwear snuggie underwear underwear." The 9 year old messing with his Dynavox. Sometimes I think he's making music with the words.
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