Campus Crusade for Christ Name Change Fall Out

So I'm hearing that some folk, displeased with the recent name change for Campus Crusade for Christ International's stateside campus ministry, are threatening to cut off financial support for the international ministry in protest. Okay.

So my first thought upon hearing this was to wonder if the people threatening to cease their financial support realize that students across the US have been calling Campus Crusade for Christ "Cru", the new name they find so objectionable, for about 15 years now?

My second thought was, do they realize that Campus Crusade for Christ International has a wide variety of ministries with many different names that do not specifically name Christ but nonetheless manage to represent Christ quite ably?

Then I wondered if a simple name change was all it would really take for some people to abandon an organization that has faithfully operated with integrity for more than half a century.

Campus Crusade for Christ International has ministries all over the world including in those places where being a Christian will get you tossed into prison or could cost you your life. They call themselves whatever gives them the best opportunity to proclaim Christ wherever they are. This is what they have always done. Doesn't make any sense to me to get upset about that now.

Given that the ministry has clearly stated that their missions focus remains the same I wonder what the objection to the name change and threat to cease support means. Does this mean that people think the ministry leadership is not telling the truth when they say they continue to have a Christ centered ministry? Have they seen any behavior by this ministry that indicates a departure from their stated goals and beliefs? If not then what's this threat really about? Somebody throwing a temper tantrum because they have to endure a change. Not unlike the Pharisees freaking out when Jesus turned up to turn their world upside down. Christans can do better than acting like the Pharisees.


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