School Violence School Discipline
Some big news around here the last few days is the
story of a Syracuse City School District (SCSD) substitute teacher stabbed
breaking up a fight between students in local high school. People are
predictably outraged saying all manner of vile things about not only the students
involved but all students in the district. Even Onondaga County District Attorney
William Fitzpatrick has weighed
in on the matter declaring the school district must drop its current
approach to discipline.
The SCSD Code of Conduct has been a hot topic of late.
It frustrates families, students, and staff. There is plenty of room for
improvement. But people seem to have forgotten, or don’t care, how we got to
this point.
Families first recognized the problem with discipline in
the schools. The Assurance
of Discontinuance details just how bad the problem was. High rates of
suspensions of students, minority students disproportionately suspended, failure
to notify families about referrals and suspensions, students with IEPs denied
due process. Read the report if you want to know the gory details. Whatever
anyone thinks about current discipline practices in SCSD we cannot got back to
When you're done reading the report do us all a favor and stop talking smack about our kids. They’re not stupid. They already know a great many people
in this city and its suburbs fail to value them. Their families are also aware
of the disdain. You guys can stop repeating yourselves. We got the message loud
and clear.
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