Sewing story

For those who have enquired I started and finished the baby sling on Saturday morning. It took me less than 20 minutes. That included the time it took for me to look for my scissors (that I never found), my rotary cutter, and my tape measure (that I didn't find until after I didn't need it). It also includes the time it took to clear off my cutting table and re-thread the sewing machine twice. All in all I spent maybe 5 minutes cutting and sewing.

Using the sling is pretty easy too. And the more often you use it the better you get at using it (isn't that always the way it goes). There are no straps or anything to fiddle with, adjusting it for comfort is pretty simple, and your hands are free to do all of that house work that you are just dying to catch up on (not). Sophia seems pretty content with being carried in the sling as well. When all is said and done that's really all that's important.

Go ahead and give making your on baby sling a try. Even the sewing challenged should be able to pull this off with a minimum amount of trauma.


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