Some people have gotten upset at La Shawn Barber over her post about the death of the Pope . They are so upset and so offended that they are writing her emails to let her know that they are delinking her blog. First, the differences between Catholic and Protestant Christians are not new. Second, La Shawn's comments didn't come anywhere near the shameful Catholic bashing that too many other Christians like to engage in. Three, um what did you expect from a non-Catholic Christian? A whole sale endorsement of catholic doctrine? Four, this over the top reaction is as bad as the Catholic bashing that other Christians engage in. Many years ago, when I was still deep in my young and somewhat foolish stage, I thought it was appropriate to berate every Catholic I came across over things like praying to saints, the definition of a saint, communion, the immaculate conception of Mary, how many children Mary had, and a lot of other things that Protestants and Catholics disagree about. A f...